Ever watched that movie, The King’s Speech? If your child is a stutterer (gagap), you can try this method to help them to produce the speech easily. Also can use with adult too.Know someone who is a stutterer? Ask them to practice these few easy steps:
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Language Development Pyramid
In order for children to develop their speech and language, they have to acquire few skills such as pre-verbal skills, listening skills, play skills, understanding, then they can talk. Don’t aspect the child to talk if they don’t have the skills at the bottom.What’s important is to develop the child starting from the bottom, and make your way up.
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Toddlers vary widely in their language skills. Some speak in complete sentences while others are still using single words. Much of the variation is simply due to temperament and individual development, but a child’s environment and adult stimulation can help these skills along. Here a some ideas to use with normal-developing toddlers and with older children who have delayed language skills:
Read MoreDevelopmental Delay
Tanda-tanda awal kanak-kanak mengalami kelewatan perkembangan / developmental delay. Kelambatan tersebut mungkin melibatkan fizikal dan juga komunikasi mereka. Anda boleh menggunakan rajah dibawah untuk mengenalpasti kelewatan perkembangan.
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